The Bhakti collection is the latest and ongoing collection 2023 of artworks by Niharika Garg.

It is based on Bhakti or devotional aspects she has experienced in her spiritual journey.

This is the first time she is painting and creating something from a purely instinctive energy.

When asked how she planned it out, she would only say that it just happened to her.. but as we look into her 13 year journey in Art, one can clearly notice that transition from Realism to Abstract to more Expressionistic creations!

Ofcourse like any Artist, her knowledge in different mediums like Oils, Acrylics, Charcoal, Pastels, Inks, Watercolors etc... helped her express and create these artworks.

And she hopes to be able to inspire the same emotions through her Art.

Devotion is like a love affair of the highest order where you try to rise beyond your beliefs & identity, so as to experience what your intellect cannot!

Bhakti or Devotion is a way of transforming your emotion from negativity to pleasantness.